Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This is a bit experimental, but click the link below to check out the St. Stephen School photo album. I have uploaded a few of my own photos to get us started (as well as the one from Jim Prag), but this would be a lot more fun if you all would be willing to share some of your own photos. It's a bit heavy on members of my family at the moment.

If you'd like to have some of your photos posted, please e-mail them to alumni@saintstephenstl.org or mail a CD to Alumni Relations, 3949 Wilmington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116. (FYI: You can take photographs to Walgreens and they will scan them and create a CD for you for $2.99.) Any identifying information that could be used as a caption would be appreciated (year photo was taken, names and graduation years of those pictured).

Click here to see what we have thus far: http://picasaweb.google.com/SSPAlums

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Good job, Stephanie! I love the pics! As soon as I pull out some of my old ones and have them scanned I'll send them to you.
Very nicely done and thanks for all of your hard work for the alumni!
Vicki (Arcipowski) Pauley '82