Monday, June 23, 2008


In addition to the hundreds of notes providing me with your contact information and sharing the whereabouts of others, I have received some nice and newsy messages in response to the e-mails and letters I have sent over the last year. It seems kind of silly that I am the only one who gets to know these things. So ... until I come up with a more systematic way of sharing information, I'll bring you up to date with the news I've received so far.

(FYI: With the exception of death notices, I am only sharing news I received firsthand. I am not sharing anything that was passed along about someone else.)

Here goes:

Rosemary Sollmann ('38) passed away Dec. 22, 2001.

Geraldine Frederich Everding ('42): I have five children and 16 grandchildren. All live within five miles of me. I belong to Queen of All Saints parish. Dr. [David] Borgmeyer [St. Stephen parishioner and music instructor] is my dentist.

William Oppliger ('42): As president of the Jacoby Stained Glass Studio (then located at 822 Wilmington Ave.), I furnished the windows in the church together with my father, Fred, and brother, Fred Oppliger, Jr., who also graduated St. Stephen in '35 or '36. Our good friend, Msgr. Victor Suren, was pastor then.

Alfred Kaletta Jr. ('43) passed away Dec. 24, 2004. According to his wife, "He always had a soft spot for his school and parish."

Dr. Thomas Tombridge ('43) passed away June 19, 2004. His wife, Barbara, wrote: Tom always had a great admiration for the education he received at St. Stephen. Especially was thankful for the scholarshp to St. Louis University High School and St. Louis University Medical School. He often spoke of St. Stephen and the wonderful grade school education he received.

Patricia Walsh Buhr ('44): I attended 10:30 Mass at St. Stephen recently. I think the church is beautiful. I like the renovations.

Jane Dowling Richard ('48): INCREDIBLE CURIOSITY has prompted my quick response to your St. Stephen alum letter. I have not lived in St. Louis for almost 50 years and graduated from St. Stephen 59 years ago!!! How ever did you find me???

Morey Brady ('51): I am a grad of St. Stephen's Class of '51. I appreciate the newsletter you generate! I live in Westerville, Ohio. We moved here in January 1971. Please keep me informed and pass along any info on the Class of '51.

Don Erbs ('51) passed away in April 2008.

Rene E. Lusser ('52): Graduated from St. Louis University High in 1956, St. Louis University in 1960, and St. Louis University Law School in 1962.

Steven Rick ('56) passed away on June 12, 2003.

Nancy Koch ('57): After visiting St. Stephen in September for our class reunion, I was interested in the "brick walk" you have for the new parish center (beautiful). I could not find that info on your Website, so perhaps you can help me out. [The brick pavers were in recognition of some of the donors to the capital campaign that helped fund the building of the parish center and renovation of the church.] Did so enjoy Father Barthel's tour, and we all delighted in seeing "our" old classrooms. Thank you.

Patricia Rick Gehrin ('57): Our class just recently celebrated our 50th year since graduation. On September 22, we took a tour of St. Stephen church and school to see how it was and is now. It was very interesting and enjoyable. We followed up with a dinner at Pietro's. It was nice to see my classmates.

Dick Kohnen ('60): Our class had a reunion, I think in 2000. It was a lot of fun, and I'd enjoy seeing old classmates again.

Mary Bokamper Sharek ('61): Mary received a B.A. from Fontbonne University, an M.A. from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and is a Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor. She has been a senior financial advisor with Waddell & Reed for 25 years.

Nancy Stough Hillhouse ('61): I am a Spanish teacher at DeSmet Jesuit High School and am a member of St. Stephen parish. I live in west St. Louis County. I am married and have two grown children.

Mike Garland ('62): Stephanie, my name is Mike Garland, and I live in Jacksonville, Fla. My brothers and sisters and I graduated from St. Stephen in the early '60s. I don't know how you reached me, but thanks for the news from St. Stephen.

Sr. Marie Laurent Klein, CPPS (faculty, '68-'74): Mary Lou Landholt Frank ('77) forwarded your e-mail to me. I did not graduate from St. Stephen but taught there from 1968-74. (So I taught at St. Stephen before you were born. I am indeed an elder among you.) I taught fourth grade my first year, a split fourth and sixth grade the next year, and then first grade my last four years. I loved the people and the students at St. Stephen and have many happy memories of my years there. I became reconnected with St. Stephen this past year when Sr. Carmen [principal at that time] and I were invited back to one of the class reunions. It was a most enjoyable evening. I wish you the best in all your endeavors. I think it is neat that you are willing to keep the Alumni Association going. Love and prayers.

Christopher Wentz ('69): Retired from State of New Mexico's Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (Director, Renewable Energy Division) in December 2005. Enjoying fly-fishing, camping, hiking, gardening, and numerous sports, as well as other family activities.

Mike Ruck ('69) is wondering whether anyone is planning a 40th reunion for his class. Please e-mail if you know of anything.

Nancy Hock O'Keefe ('72): What an awesome idea to try and reach out to old friends. I now live in Fenton, after being in Rhode Island for 20 years and back here for eight. I work in radiology -- ultrasound specifically -- and in sales, and my husband works in public safety at SLU. I have four daughters, two granddaughters, and one grandson and they rock my world. I'd love to hear from old friends. Most of you may know I lost my mom last February and she was a parishoner her entire life.

Jacqueline Wind Thompson ('76): Three children: Jacob, 17; Joe, 1; Jenna. Married 21 years. Currently emplyed as a substitute teacher. So sorry I am unable to attend or assit with any activities. I am extremely busy with children and this community [Silex, Mo.], but I wish you all much success in all your projects!!

Liz Galbierz Belko ('83): Married to Brian since 1993. We have three children, Nicholas, 11; Connor, 6; and Logan, 3. I graduated from the University of Missouri in 1990 with a B.A. in elementary education. I received my master's degree from Webster University in 2000 with an MAT specializing in social sciences. I taught six years at Resurrection, then the last 10 years at Hillsboro Elementary, teaching third grade, where I still currently teach. I think this is a great idea! I hope you get many responses and I look forward to checking out the updated Website.

Julie King Lauer ('87): Have two children, Kayla and Kyle. Teaching at Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Robert Marx ('87): Celebrating 10 years in the state of Alaska -- what a place! Working in a residential alcohol and substance dependence facility through the Salvation Army. Former Jesuit volunteer in Auburn. Most important -- our son Noah is four months old (born 6/7/07)! P.S. Apologies for non-attendance of alumni events!

Maggie Pratt Scheurer ('90): I received the update letter and am happy to hear that St. Stephen is thriving. My husband's name is Brian and I have a nine-month-old son, Luke. I have been teaching learning-disabled students at Churchill Center and School for nine years and am now home with my son during the day and tutoring part-time.

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